This compelling musical drama stars Elvis Presley (in his final film role) as a doctor practicing in an inner city clinic. While dealing with the various woes of his patients, he has his life complicated when he falls for a new co-worker (Mary Tyler Moore)... unaware that she is actually a nun who is working at the clinic while she prepares to take her final vows at her convent. Barbara McNair, Ed Asner co-star. Songs include "Rubberneckin'," "Let Us Pray," the title track, and more. 93 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailer.
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This compelling musical drama stars Elvis Presley (in his final film role) as a doctor practicing in an inner city clinic. While dealing with the various woes of his patients, he has his life complicated when he falls for a new co-worker (Mary Tyler Moore)... unaware that she is actually a nun who is working at the clinic while she prepares to take her final vows at her convent. Barbara McNair, Ed Asner co-star. Songs include "Rubberneckin'," "Let Us Pray," the title track, and more. 93 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailer.
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Anything Elvis brings a smile to my face. I have wanted to pick up Change of I have it and I love it! Thank you for great customer service and prompt delivery. TCB/TLC